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Fighting for Juvenile Justice Reform

Greetings, fellow West Virginians! I'm Republican Thomas Perkins, your candidate for the West Virginia House of Delegates in District 46, representing Eastern Greenbrier and Southern Pocahontas County. As a Libertarian Conservative, I am dedicated to advocating for economic liberty, reducing government regulations, promoting free expression, freedom of choice, and supporting free-market capitalism. Additionally, I stand firmly for the values of pro-life, pro-gun, and pro-family.

Currently residing in Frankford, WV, I am a proud father of three wonderful children: Jonathan (3), Lucy (2), and Lilly (2). My passion for justice extends to juvenile justice reform, where I aim to address the systemic issues within a broken system. Throughout my campaign, I will shed light on the alarming practice of unlawfully separating children from their families and subjecting them to unjust treatment in juvenile treatment facilities.

These facilities, shielded by juvenile walls and HIPAA protection laws, have become breeding grounds for medical tyranny, where children are treated as mere lab rats. From mandatory COVID vaccines to the forced administration of pharmaceuticals, the iceberg beneath the water, hidden from public view, reveals a juvenile justice system plagued by human trafficking, child abuse, and pharmaceutical predation.

My commitment to accountability extends to my personal experiences—I spent two years in state custody as a child, witnessing abuse and human rights violations. It's time to expose the corruption that state lawmakers have covered up for years, profiting from the suffering of children.

Join me in the fight for a just and accountable West Virginia. Together, we can bring about positive change and protect the future of our children. Thank you for your support.

Learn more about me in my campaign, visit my camping website at https://www.thomasforoffice.com/ 

Edited by Thomas Perkins Campaign


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