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America needs Jesus, not more politicians.

America must put JESUS FIRST   The election of 2024 is the most important election of our lifetime!  Yes, I know you have heard that before.  But I believe this election IS without a doubt the most important.  If Joe Biden and the Democrats win the presidency and the United States Senate this nation will cease to exist.  At least as a Christian nation.  I am running for the United States Senate because I believe that our only hope is to return our country back to Jesus Christ.  W

Fighting for Juvenile Justice Reform

Greetings, fellow West Virginians! I'm Republican Thomas Perkins, your candidate for the West Virginia House of Delegates in District 46, representing Eastern Greenbrier and Southern Pocahontas County. As a Libertarian Conservative, I am dedicated to advocating for economic liberty, reducing government regulations, promoting free expression, freedom of choice, and supporting free-market capitalism. Additionally, I stand firmly for the values of pro-life, pro-gun, and pro-family. Currently r

Thomas Perkins Campaign

Thomas Perkins Campaign in Official

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